7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group
7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group
7th Southampton (Bassett)
Group History
We have been providing the Scouting Adventure for young people since 1914. In that time, thousands of Young People and adults have walked in to the group and had so much fun. It hasn't always been easy, there have been ups, downs and heartbreak. Unfortunately due to theft of records, we are still piecing together our history.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell launches the Scouting movement after the first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island.
The 7th Southampton (Bassett) Scout Group is formed and located at TOC H Headquarters.
Part of Southampton & District.
7th Southampton (Bassett) Scout Group is registered at Gilwell! We celebrate our registration for our anniversaries.
(Cub Scouts is launched)
7th Southampton (Bassett) Scout Group becomes part of Southampton Central District.
7th Southampton (Bassett) Scout Group celebrates 75 years! A commemorative badge is created.
The Group's Headquarters are broken in to and vandalized. Kit and equipment are damaged, stolen or burned.
The 7th Southampton (Bassett) Scout Group become part of Southampton City District.
A tree falls on the Headquarters and goes through the roof.
7th Southampton (Bassett) Cubs create and rebrand with Run With The Pack motto and logo.
The Group celebrates its 100th Anniversary of registration! A party is held at the Headquarters and a centenary badge is made.
Development of the new land is started during the Covid 19 lockdown buy a small team bubble.
Our GSL Gail is awarded the Silver Wolf!
Run With The Pack turns 10 years old, a commemorative logo is made.
The Group LOGO is updated to fit the modern direction the 7th is going in.